With the rise of COVID-19, servicing clients in a professional manner has become increasingly complicated for many businesses in Melbourne.

Policies governing service are strict, with most cases requiring an extensive pre-approval process to determine if service will be allowed to proceed.

Computer Technicians is committed to support you and will continue to offer the best class of services in the industry. As we are a part of essential services, we continue to offer on-site services in Melbourne whenever its safe and possible for our technicians and clients.

For on-site service, we would be much appreciated if you could kindly follow the below instructions:

  1. Maintain at least 1.5-2 meters distance between you and the technician.
  2. Observe social distancing guidelines outlined by the Australian Government (More information).
  3. Get in touch with us immediately if you or any member of your household have any flu like symptoms or is self-isolating.
  4. Avoid physical greetings for your safety and the safety of the technician.

We are working really hard to reduce the transmission of this deadly virus and keep our community safe.

On a positive note, all our technicians voluntarily vaccinated against COVID-19. Our technicians are triple-vaxxed.

Thanking you once again for your continued support and understanding.